Tuesday, August 01, 2006

the title quest is finally over!!!

so it took me almost a year, but i finally got the title to my car!!! seriously i felt like a circus poodle jumping through hoops trying to get it all taken care of. now if the whole new job things happens i have a free and clear title to get my car registered in a new state...seriously...all i can say about all i had to go through to get the title...rediculous!


Tanya said...

sounds like an utterly painful process! Congrats for jumping just right through those hoops...where are my tummy yummies?? ;)

Jenn said...

Why wouldn't they give it to you? What a pain!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you finally got it! Sounds like you had a heck of a time! Can't wait to hear about the job!

Millionaira said...

LOL tummy yummies...have you been watching clifford? LOL in all honestly it was just beyond stupid and i'm glad it's over...i'll update on the interveiw as soon as i know anything! :D