Thursday, October 04, 2007


so last week we were out and about, hubby had to take #1 to the car for a time out because her behavior was rediculous
well, while they were sitting in a parked, turned off car for time out the guy parked to the drivers side of them pulled out and took out the front panel of the drivers side of the car!!!
he stopped as once he started to drag our car because it was kinda locked w/ his (tires wells) he realized what he was doing (he was in a new dodge ram i think hubby said) swapped insurance info and such...did estimate for work yesterday for his insurance co to fix the car
the estimate to fix the car is $1355.50 the car at good condition is worth just over $1500...oh how i hope they are not going to total our car, we can not afford to buy another car, the car is perfectly drivable...oh, and they'll replace our carseats, which i'm still trying to decide if i want to do or not because i was going to be getting new seats w/in the next 6 months, but nicer more expensive seats, so this would go twd that, but i don't think i can afford the balance of the new carseats...oh this is such a pitb!!!

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