Thursday, February 16, 2006

being sick SUCKS!

1st week of feb...flue
2nd week of feb...uti
3rd week of feb...strep

please say the 4th week i will be fine...PLEASE!!!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Rubber Cement Flegm

i'm really getting sick and tired of this stupid cough coming back every 2 to 4 wks and setteling in the very top of my's really no fun to be in the middle of anything and have your airflow suddenly cut off by a clump of flegm that seriously is the consitency of rubber cement!!! probably tmi, but i just want to be understood how irritating this is!!! i generally don't really feel bad w/ it...maybe a little extra tired but usually just the cough, irritating cotton in the lungs feeling, and sudden loss of airflow due to said of course wants me to go to the doc...maybe i will one of these days...